
New Parents information

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum:

Play provides the context and purpose for learning in our FSU, where a balance of child and adult initiated activities are used to challenge and extend our children. A multi-sensory approach is essential to each child's development as a learner and therefore we provide a stimulating and creative learning environment. Directed teaching sessions occur in whole class and in group situations to make sure the needs of our range of abilities and ages are met. All staff have high expectations of children, whether they be of Pre-school or Reception age and therefore teaching is appropriate to not only the child's starting points and learning needs, but also the nationally agreed expectations for their age.  

Each child in the FSU has a Learning Journey, a file that documents their progress in the 17 areas of learning or Early Learning Goals (ELGs).  All staff in the FSU have a responsibility to make assessments and observations, maintaining the Learning Journeys to ensure they are an accurate representation of each child's learning.  We work towards each child achieving a Good Level of Development (GLD) during their time in the FSU which can then be built upon in Key Stage 1 and beyond.  Understanding and tracking what a Good Level of Development looks like throughout a child's time in the FSU, ensures that barriers to learning are identified early and each child makes progress.  Additionally, this also means that children in our FSU have access to a qualified teacher as well as teaching assistants.