

We love reading!

Staff and children are constantly sharing their reading with each other.

Parents are encouraged to read at home with their children and many volunteer to help hear readers in school.   

Each classroom and learning environment has a dedicated area for books and we support reading for pleasure and for purpose.


Reading Makes You Brainy..


At Great Wilbraham, we hope to promote a genuine love of books but this works far better when children are involved with books at home as well as in school.

We encourage children to read on a daily basis either independently or to an adult. Children also read as part of a guided group with the teacher at least once a week.

From Reception and throughout Key Stage 1, children have access to our reading scheme and their progress is assessed regularly following out Benchmarking process.

We have a bookshelf of books to choose from in the classrooms and children are encouraged to read their own or library books too.


We have a Recommended Reading Guide which comes from Pie Corbett’s Reading Spine and suggests suitable age appropriate books. They are a really fantastic place to start in the search for books that you could read to your children, or books that they might like to read to themselves.


In addition to our Recommended Reading Guide , below are two links to websites that are also designed to support parents and children with their choices of reading books.

