

Relationships education in Great Wilbraham Primary School serves to protect children from harm. It gives them an important knowledge of their own bodies, and it helps them to identify inappropriate or unsafe behaviour or experiences whilst encouraging them to get help from a trusted adult should they need to.
Through topics based on the human life cycle, for example, RSE is taught in a well thought out, planned and age-appropriate way. RSE prepares children for puberty, helps them to understand the physical and emotional side of growing up, teaches them the difference between boys and girls and develops their understanding of different types of families and safe and unsafe relationships.
GWPS acknowledge the understanding and support of the parents and carers in ensuring that RSE within the school addresses the needs of the children's health and well being. We are committed to ensuring that parents and carers are engaged and consulted on in the preparation of their child's RSE programme. In line with Government guidance we acknowledge that parents and carers retain the right to withdraw their child from RSE classes should they choose to.