
Performance Data

Our achievements can be seen and compared by visiting
Our year group cohorts vary from 5 children to 16 and consequently one child's data can mean between 7-20%. Measuring cohort progress requires data from at least 6 children. For this reason we analyse gaps in learning and individualise support.

Outcomes are reported as Age Related Expectations (ARE) and relate to the curriculum expectations for every year group.

At every parent consultation, in the Autumn or Spring, staff not only inform the parents of their child's progress and whether they are on track to meet ARE by the end of the year but also how the school will support their child to develop further. 

In the summer, a school report is sent home and parents have the opportunity to meet with their child's teacher to further discuss it should it be necessary.

Since the new assessment systems have come into place the overview of results are below:
Y6 combined measure
2016 - 54% (national 53%)
2017 - 64% (national 61%)
2018 - 80% (national 64%)
2019 - 69% (national 65%)
2020 - N/A
2021 - N/A
Y2 combined measure
2016 - 75% (national 65%)
2017 - 50% (national 68%)
2018 - 47% (national 70%)
2019 - 65% (national 69%)
2020 - N/A
2021 - N/A
Y1 phonics
2016 - 67% (national 81%)
2017 - 47% (national 81%)
2018 - 86% (national 82%)
2019 - 77% (national 82%)
2020 - N/A
2021 - N/A
EYFS - Good Level of Development
2016 - 67% (national 69%)
2017 - 63% (national 71%)
2018 - 75% (national 72%)
2019 - 93% (national 72%)
2020 - N/A
2021 - N/A