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School Parliament

Each September, children campaign and get voted in to be a member of School Parliament.

Through this approach, children learn about democracy, the Houses of Parliament and how 'Britishness' has formed over the centuries.

All children are able to stand for a ministerial position in the elections at the beginning of each academic year. They are expected to explain why the voters should choose them and to run their own campaign. Parliament meets at least once a half-term.

House names: Hall, Temple, Manor & Rectory.


School Parliament is represented by Y1 - Y6

For 2024–2025

Y6 Jack Wilson and Christina Craig

Y5 Tilly Lane





Some of the issues debated in school parliament 

Getting to school safely

School council were posed with a problem regarding where pupils cross the road to enter school in the morning. 

'When walking to school the cars driving past school don't have to stop. As school council, we have taken that on board and have discussed what we are going to do. We have talked to the whole school that we must all look both ways and listen before we cross the road.'

Views on lessons

We asked our classes what they thought about Music .

'Music in our class is really fun but some people asked if we could have more instruments. We have taken that on board and now use recorders, maracas, drums and glockenspiels within our lessons. People also asked if they could bring in their own instruments from home and this is now happening.'

Lilibet Garden

An area in school that was known as the Spiritual Garden was looking a bit tired and down. With lots of hard work and donations it has been reopened and is now a nice peaceful place where you can sit and read a book. Beautiful plants have brightened the area up. The school council organised a vote to find a new name, we asked all pupils, staff and parents to vote on 4 names. It is now known as 'The Lilibet Garden'. We had a grand opening with the whole school, parents and people who had donated money to help us.