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Jo Helmy - Co-Chair - Parent Governor - Term of office 4th June 2024 to 15th September 2027

I live locally with my husband and daughter, who is very happy at Great Wilbraham Primary. Professionally, I work as a clinical research nurse in a cardiovascular unit, trialling new medications and procedures with patients and volunteers. Within this role and previous roles as a clinical nurse specialist in acute care settings, I have developed skills in clinical care, project management, practice development and service improvement. I enjoy setting up and coordinating new projects along with teaching, mentoring and supporting others. I hope some of these skills, governance specific training and the experience of being a parent at the school will enable me to provide a valuable contribution to Great Wilbraham Primary as a governor and Co-chair. I am committed to working within an effective governance team and will provide the necessary time, support and challenge required. Education within village schools is important to me. I want to support the school in being the best it can be. Outside of work and governance, I enjoy family life, gardening, house decoration and travelling.

Eleanor Laws - Co-Chair - Foundation Governor - Term of office 15th September 2023 to 16th October 2027

My family and I have lived in Little Wilbraham since 2018. My eldest daughter is at Bottisham Village College, while my youngest is at Great Wilbraham Primary and very happy there. Before having children, I worked as a Senior Programme Officer for the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, mainly in the Horn of Africa but with some time in Kosovo and London. Before becoming Co-Chair of Governors, I was Chair of the PTFA. I believe Great Wilbraham school is a wonderful place to be educated and am extremely positive about its future. 

James Wilson - Parent Governor - Term of office 15th September 2023 to 14th September 2027

Our family have lived in Great Wilbraham since 2011 with two of our boys already attending the school and a third looking forward to it when he is older. We have always admired the ethos and feel of Great Wilbraham Primary and our boys are thriving and enjoying their time. My wife is on the PTFA Committee, and I’m hoping to make my own contribution to the success of the school by being on the governing body. Professionally, I work in the Children’s Services Department of Norfolk County Council and so hope to be able to bring some of that experience to benefit our local school here in the village. That work gives me a good insight into education policy and the opportunities and challenges for schools, and now that I have become a member of the governing body, I have the chance to see that in action in the classroom. The combination of work and being the father of 3 doesn’t leave much time for anything else, but I do like my sport and as the boys grow up, much of my time is spent watching or playing (losing to) them at all manner of sporting endeavours.

Claire Daunton - Co-Opted Governor - Term of office 15th September 2023 to 14th September 2027

I have been involved in education all my life. I am a historian by training and practice, a medieval historian, who knows something about medieval religious art and particularly about stained-glass. I’ve supervised students in the University of Cambridge but am now retired. I’ve lived in Little Wilbraham for some time and know both Great and Little Wilbraham well through attending events but also through representing both villages previously as a District Councillor and now as a County Councillor. I sit on various county committees, including Children and Young People, so am kept up to date with issues concerning schools. I am also a governor of the Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Trust which is responsible for Fulbourn Hospital as well as for community mental health services.

Katie Chaudhry - Staff Governor - Term of office 15th September 2023 to 14th September 2027

I am a member of the governing body. I am also a class teacher at the school. I have two sisters, a niece and a nephew. I love to play football on the weekends with my team, Fulbourn Bluebirds. I enjoy watching lots of other sports too, such as lacrosse, rugby and hockey. I love to travel and explore new places. Some of my favourite places I have been to are Australia, Edinburgh, Dublin and Amsterdam.

Ben Davidson - Foundation Governor - Term of office 15th September 2023 to 14th September 2027

I am a new foundation governor for the academic year 2023-24. Having grown up in North Wales, I came to Cambridge first as an undergraduate student several years ago. I spent last year working with the local Anglican parishes as pastoral assistant to Fulbourn and the Wilbrahams. During the course of this role, I got to know the school as a frequent visitor, running a weekly speaking and listening group for the children, and leading collective worship. Now a doctoral student in early modern philosophy, I retain a good relationship with the churches and communities in which I worked, and a desire to see them thrive. Outside of work and research, I enjoy fiction, running and cycling. 

Kim Crisp - Staff Governor - Term of office 1st November 2023 to 30th November 2027

I have been a Staff Governor at Great Wilbraham since 1999. My early career was in banking, but I have worked in schools for over 30 years (most of this time at Great Wilbraham). I have lots of experience and have seen many changes over the years.

Outside of school, I have 2 grown-up sons, of whom I am immensely proud and a wonderful 2-year-old grandson. My interests include days out and weekends away with family or friends, and I am an avid amateur photographer and love visiting new places or going to live sports events. Apart from that, I like peace & quiet and time to read. I used to be quite good at ballroom and Latin American dancing, but wouldn’t last a week on Strictly Come Dancing!

Rev Alice Goodman



Jacqueline McCamphill - Term of office 15th September 2023 to 3rd June 2024