House System
School Houses - a history
In 2017, the whole school held a referendum about whether to change the names of the houses from colours to an alternative. For the Autumn term, the School Parliament were given the task of thinking of different ideas. The whole community were also asked to provide inspiration and members of the staff, the Governing Body, the Church community and parents all contributed. The School Parliament then chose a short list for the whole community to then vote for. Ballot papers were sent out to the groups mentioned above and to every child. The votes were then counted, and the decision made just before the New Year.
Each house is named after a building in one of the three villages in our catchment area.
Hall (red) – Six Mile Bottom Hall
Manor (yellow) – Little Wilbraham Manor House
Rectory (green) – The Old Rectory in Little Wilbraham
Temple (blue) – Temple House in Great Wilbraham
We have house afternoons where the children go to their ‘house classroom’ and work together across the age groups producing work for the house display board in the hall. Each house classroom is led by a teacher and has a wall in their house colour, all members of staff have to go through a ‘sorting hat’ to be allocated a house – aside from the Headteacher who remains neutral. The children compete as houses during sports day, and it is now an integral part of our positive relationships policy where we are able to award house points and a weekly total is displayed in the hall.
Each house has an allocated teacher and a House Captain:
Rectory - Mrs Forshaw - House Ambassador - Declan McNeill
Temple - Miss Roberts-Taira - House Ambassador - Kit Maguire
Manor - Mrs Chaudhry / Mr Lewis - House Ambassador - Michelle Rossi and Parvati Ayer
Hall - Miss Steley - House Ambassador - Jack Wilson