Great Wilbraham CE Primary joined the ACT Multi Academy Trust on the 1st September 2023. A document called the Scheme of Delegation identifies who is accountable and responsible for what at all levels of governance within the Multi Academy Trust (MAT), whether that is the Trust Board, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Finance Office (CFO), Headteacher or Local Governing Body (LGB). The day to day running of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher under the oversight of the CEO and LGB in line with the Scheme of Delegation.
Local Governing body (LGB)
Our local governing body is a voluntary group of local people, who are appointed for four-year terms of office. Governors represent parents, the local community, the Church and staff. Each governor has provided a short introduction about themselves on the profile page.
The main responsibilities of the local governing body include monitoring standards, safeguarding, SEND and stakeholder engagement. We meet 6 times a year to discuss and review our delegated responsibilities and governors visit school regularly.
Governors have link roles which include monitoring progress made by the school team for each intent in the School Development Plan (SDP) and other areas including Safeguarding, SEND, Pupil Premium, Health & Safety and Sports Premium. Governors visit these areas at least termly. We also have our Foundation Committee. Their key task is to secure, develop and maintain the religious character of the school.
More information about the scheme of delegation can be found on the trust website using the following link:
Local Governing Body (LGB) Members:
*Co-Chairs: Jo Helmy & Eleanor Laws
3 Foundation Governors: Eleanor Laws*, Ben Davidson & Rev Alice Goodman
2 Parent Governors: Jo Helmy*, James Wilson
Co-opted Governor: Claire Daunton
Headteacher: Kim Holtby
Staff Governors: Katie Chaudhry, Kim Crisp
Governance Professional (Clerk): Meleena Walsh
Foundation Committee: Eleanor Laws (Chair), Ben Davidson, Rev Alice Goodman and Kim Holtby.
Safeguarding & Cybersecurity: James Wilson
SEND, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium: Jo Helmy
Health & Safety: Claire Daunton
Website & Comms: Jo Helmy & James Wilson
Staff Well-Being: Kim Crisp
Head Teacher Appraisal: James Wilson & Chair.
Discipline Committee: Eleanor Laws, Jo Helmy, James Wilson.
Appeals Committee: Claire Daunton & Ben Davidson.
Salaries: Eleanor Laws & James Wilson.